Regrarians #RAD needs a new name!

Regrarians #RAD needs a new name!

Regrarians #RAD needs a new name!

In 2010 we originated the ‘RegenAG Advanced Design’ course or RAD along with a host of other workshops with similar abbreviations and announced it to our networks. In November 2011, following the ‘day to subject format’ of what was then called the ‘Regen10’ (now known as the ‘Regrarians Platform’), we ran this flagship event in the UK at the renowned Cowdray Estate and it was attended by 45 of the most prominent production landscape designers and professionals in Europe.

RAD#2 was marketed under the guise of ‘Regrarians Advanced Design’ and was promoted widely to run 2013, didn’t get the numbers so we ran it in 2014. During the launch of the Regrarians brand across the US in 2013 we promoted a pedagogic pathway that started with the RAW (Regrarians Workshop) & RAC (Regrarians Open Consultancy) and was to follow with these same providers with the RAD. People refer to the RAD frequently and in any week we’ll get any number of enquiries globally from folks wanting to host or convene a RAD.

In January this year we saw posted on the increasingly popular Regrarians Facebook site the release of the new Restoration Agriculture Developments or ‘RAD’ brand.  With this are any number of events and services to which the RAD brand is applied by Restoration Agriculture Developments and its subsidiaries.

Since we started operations in March 1993 we’ve built a solid reputation for sharing our information, knowledge, results and concepts with all and sundry around the world. This in accordance with our Policy of Magnanimity. We are assiduous in our acknowledgment of other’s work in all forms of media and in our outreach. We set a high standard of due diligence and professional standards for others in our industry to follow.

Accordingly before we release any new brand we diligently scour the marketplace to ensure that our brand is 1. Unique in the industry and 2. Not easily confused with others in the same industry. As leaders in this industry we demonstrate leadership by example and this is one example of this — it would be great if others sought to follow this lead and somewhat ethical convention.

With all of this we’ve decided that we will no longer run our flagship event under the RAD brand.  We do not wish for our Regrarians branded activities to be confused with others, especially since we are so devoted to following the Regrarians Platform and that marks our distinctiveness in this space.

We are creative types and we look forward to exercising this creativity in developing a new name/brand for our flagship event. If you have any ideas in the meantime then please let us know.


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