Off the Contour #15 – 2015 Regrarians Engagement Statement

Off the Contour #15 – 2015 Regrarians Engagement Statement

As we look forward to 2015 we (the Regrarians Ltd. Directors: Lisa Jane Heenan, Isaebella Doherty & Darren J. Doherty) wanted to set the tone for the means by which Regrarians Ltd-managed social media interacts & develops its discussions so as to maintain the high standard of conversation held by so many…

1. We want all people to feel safe and without intimidation in the sharing of their experiences and beliefs
2. We would love nothing more than questions or points being positively directed to the task ahead
3. There is no such thing as a stupid question
4. We don’t applaud or encourage adversarial conversation within this space, though understand its place when appropriate
5. Yes we have a lot of projects to discuss however we also have social and economic contexts to discuss too
6. Not everyone here is a land manager and with most of the world’s people not working in land management directly. We need to understand our role in changing the way people think about their role in supporting different kinds of land management
7. Any topic within the ‪#‎RegrariansPlatform‬ is open for discussion here!
8. Remember to enjoy and appreciate life wherever you can!

Transparency, inclusivity & inquisitiveness are at the backbone of the development of this concept and movement. We’ve all got a lot to offer and it’s best that we do this collaboratively, collegially & cooperatively, as clearly if we can’t do that then we’re not going to prevail, let alone win!

Yours and Growing,

Lisa Heenan, Isaebella Doherty & Darren J. Doherty
Regrarians Ltd.

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