Webinar – 6. Buildings – Poultry Processing #6 – Building the Team

Webinar – 6. Buildings – Poultry Processing #6 – Building the Team


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RON Title?

6. Building the Team – the Right stuff 

Why do this RON?

Southampton Homestead have quickly established themselves as a leading pastured poultry enterprise in the south west of Western Australia. Southampton’s Michelle McManus and Jeff Pow have developed the ‘Southampton Poultry Processing Model‘ (SPPM) and have on offer 7 RON modules to share their professional experience around this model.

What included in this session?

• 60 minutes plus session with both Michelle and Jeff
• Considering different labour options and training requirements

Other Sessions in this Series?

1. Navigating Bureaucracy — the Necessary stuff – Understand the local, state and national policies, compliance standards and political context
2. Preparing Written Documents – the Boring stuff – Pulling your ideas, plans and commitments into something that works and gets approved
3. Building a Facility – the Fun stuff – Designing and specifying a facility to suit your context and operation, now and into the future
4. Processing & Packaging – the Gritty stuff – Making it all happen from start to finish to produce a quality, saleable product.
5. Closing the Loop – the Cool stuff – Keeping waste products on farm and making the most of them.
7. Tracking & Documenting – the Scary stuff – capturing and using the
data coming out of your operation, across the whole supply chain.

Recommended Reading?

The Mobile Processing Slaughterhouse – Ali Berlow (2013) – available here
Pastured Poultry Profits – Joel Salatin (1996) – available here


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